Sunday, April 27, 2008

London to Lille Charity Ride - 14th June 2008

Dear all,

The boys are heading back out of town! This year we decided to vary the old London Brighton BHF ride. In casting about for new routes we rejected Harlow to Holt and Dalston to Delhi, instead settling on..


Yes, that's right, Lille in France. Why? Well, why not? Now this is not an inconsiderable effort on our part, something along the lines of 75 miles to Folkstone, the Eurotunnel, then 106 km from Calais to Lille, if Google Maps is to be trusted. That's 141 miles! In a day! The day being 14th June 2008.

There is a point to this madness though, and the point is we are hoping to raise money for the very worthy cause of AVERT, a British charity working worldwide to combat HIV and AIDS, both through prevention and helping those already affected. Having personally seen the devastation this disease is wreaking in Southern Africa, and knowing that India and China are beginning to be affected too, I understand only too well how important this battle is for all of us.

So, donating? It's very easy, just put your credit card in to this secure page etc, and it automatically deducts the cash! Good, huh? Otherwise the old way will do too, I have a form somewhere, though I will grumble!

Any amount you can give would be appreciated, anonymous or otherwise, it all adds up. In return you'll benefit from amusing cheesy photos and the knowledge that we'll actually have to do the ride if the cash is there! Thank-you in advance, and please pass this on to anyone you know with spare dosh or by all means come along too!

Samuel Crawley
Adrian Wilson
William Herrington

AVERT is an international HIV/AIDS organisation. Through HIV/AIDS education, research, support and care, it brings help to people around the world. Its projects prevent people from becoming infected wtih HIV and improve life for those who are already living with HIV/AIDS.
Charity Registration No 1074849

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