Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Big Ben!

Today Big Ben, the famous bell inside the clock tower of the Palace of Westminster, turns 150, having been first struck on July 11 1859. Apparently a clock tower was first built at Westminster in 1288.

There is a new Argentinian ice-cream parlour adjacent to Gaucho Grill in Swallow Street, just between Piccadilly and Regent's Street. Freggo is a smart purple-fronted shop that is open till 2am every day. I can imagine Dina spending a fair bit of time here!!

Inside, there are lots of yummy things behind a glass display counter, but we're not here for those..

I order a cup of two flavours - banana; and dulce de leche with chocolate chips. Dulce de Leche is a South American obsession - a kind of toffee spread, presumably made from condensed milk and loads of sugar!

The whole place is quite minimalist, I guess by design as it will be open late - they are styling themselves as an "after-clubbing venue".

Yum! Freggo's website is here.

1 comment:

Dina said...

Ooohhh...tasty tasty ice-cream and cakes!!! Definitely will have to take a trip to Freggo :-)