Monday, September 04, 2006

Hop Festival in Faversham

Spent the weekend down in Kent, having cycled down early Saturday morning. Started at about 8am (having planned a 7am departure), and whizzed out to SE London via my route into work. Then things became messy! Faced with the choice of the M2 or zig-zagging along backstreets, the latter was obviously preferable, and it was TomTom on my phone that saved the day by allowing us to whizz along through narrow lanes and neighbourhoods until we hit the familiar territory of the A2 through Medway Towns. Obviously it rained all the way down, and was generally completely miserable weather. In terms of a ride, it wasn't especially challenging, a shade under 60miles all told, fairly hilly, but none of the roads were especially quiet, and I wouldn't commend the route to anyone as one to repeat!
DSC06008DSC06008 Hosted on Zooomr

The hop festival itself was also not the most impressive. Basically it consisted of morris dancers all over town, a punch and judy show, a couple of bad bands, and every pub in town being packed, thereby making it impossible to get to the bar. Particularly bad marks awarded to the Sun Inn, where the young ladies behind the bar managed to serve FOUR people in preference to me, and it was only by waving in their face that I prevented the fifth person from being attended to. Is there no reward for being polite and waiting one's turn these days? Apparently not. But like the Murphys...


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